
Forrester study finds 250%+ ROI with Foursquare Places

  • February 16, 2024

The Total Economic Impact™ of Foursquare Places


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Did you know that, “over 60% of global business and technology decision makers’ organizations are building location intelligence capabilities, with another 19% planning to adopt them in the next year?”[1] It’s no secret that harnessing location intelligence is pivotal for a business’s success especially when it comes to understanding their customers and the places they go.

Forrester Consulting conducted a Total Economic Impact™ study and determined that an organization realized an ROI of 252% by deploying Foursquare Places. Key benefits include enhanced customer accessibility & insights, improved decision-making, easy integration with other systems and reduced manual processes.

“We call it the gold mine because we get access to a lot of information on our customer base,” said the engineering manager at the interviewed CPG company.

Discover the complete list of economic benefits and cost savings you can realize with Foursquare Places. Download the study today.

A Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact™ Study Commissioned By Foursquare February 2024.