Happy Women’s Month! We’re proud to support all the wonderful women and internal company groups, including Femmesquare and FTW (Foursquare Technical Women). To celebrate, we’ve asked some of our FSQ employees who inspires them.
Ariel Segal
Director, Marketing
When I was 4 years old, I remember my mom kept my sister and I home from camp to watch the swearing in of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who I have admired ever since. I feel fortunate that my mom always encouraged us to be strong independent women, and exposed us to other powerful female role models like RBG. On International Women’s Day (and every day!), I’m incredibly grateful for the women who have shaped the person I am today, and for the women who have paved the way for future generations.
Eugenie Fanning
Director, Human Resources

This question really got me – I don’t think I have any specific female role models. My focus is and has been to be a female role model for all of my kids, regardless of sex or gender identity, as someone who is successful of my own device and doesn’t fit in any one box.
Janice Caston
Vice President, Marketing Ops

Growing up, I looked at my grandmother, who was a first generation U.S. Citizen, divorced, with 6 children. She’d never worked a day in her life prior to her divorce, and in her 30’s, took a job selling insurance to support her family. This turned this into a very successful career for her. She was hard working, personable, and took every opportunity to learn. She loved what she did and didn’t retire until she was well into her 70s. She told me that her greatest regret was that she didn’t go to college, and that she didn’t learn how to rollerblade.
For me on International Women’s Day, it’s a great time to take a step back and consider the role models who have helped to shape not only who I am, but how I approach learning, and mentorship.
Karissa Perry
Communications Associate

I’ve always looked up to my mother, who moved to the U.S. from the Philippines right after she graduated college. At the time, she struggled to find a full-time job and was looked down upon for her culture and accent. However, she was determined to be her own boss and now has a successful recruiting business.
International Women’s Day is an event I’ve paid more attention to as I’ve gotten older. It is incredible to see how far women have come since the time my mom first came to the U.S. We still have a ways to go, but I’m extremely blessed to have strong female role models in my life and live in a time where women are being increasingly recognized.
Leandra Guy
Program Manager, PMO

Gloria Archer – She is my career mentor. Gloria has been a great resource during my project management journey. She is a business owner and has shown me success despite obstacles. I can rely on her to support my professional goals and provide insight into areas for opportunity. Cecelia Rieb – She has been my mentor since I was six years old. Cecelia’s compassion and optimism continues to inspire me to live life with a purpose and become the best version of myself. Tammara Guy – She is my sister in law but also my mother/wife role model. Tammara has a clear set of values and an ability to inspire others. I admire her selflessness and acceptance of others. I hope to be a phenomenal mother like her one day.
Maya Bitton
Senior Manager, Partner Marketing

I admire both of my grandmothers for so many reasons, but particularly for the strength they embodied and the amount of love they had to give – like a Mary Poppins bag full of love. Combined, they raised 21 children and taught them all to lead life with optimism and by showing kindness to others. They set the stage for exploration that allowed my parents, my siblings and me to endure a life of opportunity. I think of them often and try to embody at least a smidgen of who they were and what they’ve passed on through their children.
Miriam Young
Product Marketing Manager, Places

International Women’s Day makes me reflect on the power and wonder of female friendships! I so admire my friend, Stephanie. We first met in seventh grade and she has helped me navigate life ever since. Stephanie is incredibly hardworking and assertive, with the grit to accomplish anything she sets her mind to. She is the friend that tells it to you straight and pushes you to reach further. I value her guidance so much that I jokingly call her my Life Boss. Like any good manager, she reminds me to keep my priorities straight and boundaries set. I, in turn, barrage her with puns and my overall seventh grade sense of humor. Grateful that she has found a way to put up with it all these years.
Mariena Quintanilla
Director, Client Solutions Engineering

My former boss, Alison Loehse, is someone I learned a lot from and continue to look up to. She is an amazing leader, supporter of women and has done insanely hard things – like start her own company. She has an amazing ability to get customers and employees to open up and talk about their challenges because you can tell she genuinely cares. She is an authentic leader; I learned so much designing customer solutions and pitching alongside her.
Nikki Wegner
VP, Strategic Accounts

My mom – she has always been unapologetically herself and has taught my brother and I to do the same, while always giving us the support and space to become whatever we wanted to be. She is empathetic and raised us to be self aware and to own our own paths in life. She continues to challenge herself and doesn’t let fear stop her from trying & accomplishing new things, even at 73 years old.
Stu Kendall
Director, Product Marketing

My wife is a teacher within the Chicago Public Schools district. Every day she brings her whole heart to school and practices patience, empathy, and a commitment to helping her kids receive a quality education. Chicago represents a diverse melting pot of different communities that heavily values and relies on their teachers to help further the next generation of our city. And I’m so proud and thankful for women like my wife and all of her female colleagues for everything they do in and outside of the classroom.